2012 USRA D-2 Tech Proposal Voting Results
The results of the 2012 Technical Rules proposals are listed below.
1. All D-2 Classes (Grp10-Eurosport) will have a one minute “warm-up”session. This change will afford more consistent races by allowing drivers to “settle-down”, cars to “warm-up”, and allow for correction of incidental/unknown damage incurred during qualifying.
Proposal Passed 32 – 3
2. Change Eurosport Race Procedure as follows: The current USRA Eurosport Race Procedure only provides for an A and B semi and Round Robins are utilized as necessary. Change to all racers will race in one preliminary qualifying race of 8 – 4 minute heats (no round robins). The top 8 racers in total laps will advance to the Main Event. Example: 32 entries will have 4 “Semis” with 8 in each race. Racers will be seeded according to qualifying with 1- 8 in the “A Semi”, 9-16 in the “B Semi”, 17-24 in the “C Semi”, and 25-32 in the “D Semi”. Make all “Semis” equal in number as possible with the extra cars being seeded from the top down; example with 33 entries, A-B-C will have 7 cars; D-E will have 6 cars.
Proposal Passed 34 -1
Milton L. Gamble
USRA National Director